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It all starts with...

...embracing our humanity and the inner kid-hero within each one of us that has yet to be heard or seen - by us.


As parents, we worry about our kid's future.  Will they get into good schools?  Will they be surrounded by the right kind of friends?  Will they become a successful [insert profession here]?  Will they be famous? Will they make a positive impact on the world? Will they…will they?  In short, will they become happy, healthy, good humans that will make us proud?  Yeah, that’s a lot.  So, where do we start?   Why not start together from the beginning, just us and our children? Research shows that parental involvement is a key suc­cess fac­tor that tran­scends near­ly all other factors including a student’s socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus, background, and the kind of school the student attends.  So how can we mimic that in a digital-age where a 9 y/o already has her own iPhone 12 (in case you're wondering, I am still using an SE 6 with the button).


The Conscious Kids Project is an initiative that focuses on developing the mindsets of our children to increase self-awareness and become life-long learners, provide them with tools to add to their toolbox of emotional mastery,  and develop skills to speak their truth constructively without the fear of avoiding confrontation or conflict while respecting the opinions and boundaries of others.  Through mini-lessons, practices, and personal experimentation, both the parent and child will go through the same lessons, but with different challenges.  The parent and child can assign tasks and rewards to each other.  The project also focuses on building a supportive global and local communities.

Have-Do-Be model

At the core of P.L.A.Y is experimentation - wondering, trying, testing, observing, failing, and then doing it all over again (while, hopefully, laughing).  And through P.L.A.Y we engage all aspects of ourselves. 


Imagine your life as an Iceberg, what you HAVE - your toys and state of being, sits upon what you DO, and that sits upon  you BEing.  Through this HAVE-DO-BE model, you can find P.L.A.Y predominantly in the DO and the BE, which are the playgrounds for this project, the variables we have control over.

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P.L.A.Y - the 4 pillars

What We Are Building...

Using the lean start-up approach, we are still in the early stage of development and validation. We are currently working with experts on the content for the learning platform and building a prototype of the app.  We need your help to see if this project resonates with you.  If you are willing to share your own dreams, pains, feedback, and what you would like to see, that would be awesome!  We want to build something that could be of service to you!


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<--- Click on this icon to get to the prototype

Here's a super rough version of what we are thinking about.  It's in Spanish because a portion of our team is in Spain. Please play around and give us your feedback and insights.  

Are the four pillars something that you would like for your child to develop?

Web Platform

The idea is to have a learning platform that complements the app and goes deeper into the weekly theme. Later, a cohort of kids from all over the world come together for a live learning session facilitated by other kids (ideally)! 


In the meantime though... we are still working on the content. 

We would appreciate your input and comments below.

In Person

What would happen if we practice, compete, and collaborate on a challenge, a game, or an activity face-to-face and in person? This is an opportunity for us to find out.

Would these skills add to your life?

Thank you for your help!

What inspired this project

The Conscious Kids Project is inspired by both dreams and pains.  As a dream, a young boy dreamt of becoming Spiderman, and with the support of his parents, he developed the character strengths, acquired the tools and the skills to become his own superhero.  He now dreams of seeing more self-made superheroes.  As a pain, she recognizes that learning the dragon-slaying skills while attempting to slay the dragon with her pocket knife is ineffective, messy, and definitely not enjoyable.  Parenting gets hard and it gets even harder when we operate from our most vulnerable states. Why? Maybe because we also have to tend to the wounded inner hero within us too, and that's hard to see.  We can't control the outcome of our children's lives, but we can certainly try to equip them with basic tools for their journey.

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